Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all CarteBlanche Ukraine users and partners!
We sincerely wish you and your family happiness and joy, the warmth of smiles, harmony and peace!
Let only good trips, straight roads and exciting routes wait for you in the New Year!
To make your journeys more pleasant and comfortable, we would like to inform you about the new 2009.12 version of CarteBlanche Ukraine NT map for Garmin® and compatible navigation devices. The changes in the new version are:
Thus, detailed coverage of CarteBlanche Ukraine NT map covers 125 settlements where 18 millions or 39.2% of the Ukrainian population live. Total length of road coverage is more than 409 thousand km.
Legal users of CarteBlanche Ukraine NT map may get the update for free at the Updates page.
CarteBlanche Ukraine company provides all the legal user of CarteBlanche Ukraine 3.60 and earlier map versions with an opportunity to upgrade to CarteBlanche Ukraine NT map free of charge, provided that the device is compatible with Garmin® NT map format, before 01.03.2010. To upgrade please order a new Unlock Code at Unlock Code Ordering page and follow instructions that will follow.
Legal users of iGO 8 and “CarteBlanche Navigator” software can download the update free of charge from the official map update portal of NNG company.
Once again we thank to our customers for the feedback and proposals on how to improve the map. Suggestions that were not taken into account in this version of the map will be considered in the next releases.
2009.09 is the first version of CarteBlanche Ukraine NT map created in the new Garmin® NT format, with the use of the software provided by Garmin®. Changing to this format offers great opportunities on expanding the functionality of the map. In the new map version, the following improvements have been made:
Therefore, at the moment CarteBlanche Ukraine NT map contains a detailed coverage of about 60 settlements, with 47 cities, including all regional centres and some other important cities. For two thirds of this coverage building footprints and numbers are also available. The population living in the settlements with the detailed coverage is about 17,8 million of people, which constitutes 38.5 % of the total Ukrainian population. The basic street network coverage (without street names, address search and traffic regulations) is available for the majority of settlements with more than 5 000 inhabitants.
CarteBlanche Ukraine company provides all the legal user of 3.60 and earlier map versions for Garmin® with an opportunity to change to CarteBlanche Ukraine NT free of charge, provided that the device is compatible with Garmin® NT map format, before 01.03.2010.
If the navigation device does not support this format, CarteBlanche Ukraine company offers to purchase a compatible device and to receive a new CarteBlanche Ukraine NT map as a gift.
Please note, that the subsequent map updates will only be issued for CarteBlanche Ukraine NT map!
Once again we thank to our customers for the feedback and proposals on how to improve the map. Suggestions that were not taken into account in this version of the map will be considered in the next releases.
The developer of iGO My way 2006 Plus navigation software, NNG company, has announced that this software has been discontinued. Therefore, all technical support for iGO My way 2006 Plus will also be cancelled.
At the moment, Carte Blanche Ukraine company, the official iGO distributor in Ukraine, continues to provide support, including updating the map of Ukraine to the version 02.2009, for the existing users of iGO My way 2006 Plus software. For more detailed information please see the Update page.
For the users, it is recommended to change to the newer, advanced software version iGO 8.
Therefore, at the moment Carte Blanche map of Ukraine for iGO 8 contains a detailed coverage of 47 settlements, including all regional centres and some other important cities, with more than 37 % of the Ukrainian population living in the covered area. The total length of the road network is about 400 000 km. The map includes more than 20 000 POIs, most of them having contact information.
The legal users of iGO 8 can download the update free of charge so long as they log in on www.naviextras.com. The site also offers an opportunity to update or purchase the maps of many other countries for iGO 8 and a number of iGO-based PNDs.
Once again we thank to our customers for the feedback and proposals on how to improve the map. Suggestions that were not taken into account in this version of the map will be considered in the next releases.
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